Stacey Barnes

Stacey Barnes is Senior Business Operations Manager where she oversees the CincyTech IT infrastructure and office operations, and manages the state of Ohio reporting process.
Prior to joining CincyTech in 2016, Stacey worked at the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber, supporting the Agenda 360 and government affairs departments. Between 1991 and 1996, Stacey was a legislative assistant to Cincinnati City Council Member Nick Vehr. She then spent five years working for Cincinnati 2012, Inc., the effort to bring the Olympics to Cincinnati. Stacey was also a member of the US Army Reserve, 83rd ARCOM, based in Kings Mills, Ohio.
Stacey is a Cincinnati native who graduated from Walnut Hills High School, and received a BA in Journalism from Northern Kentucky University.
In her free time, Stacey enjoys quilting, hosting book clubs, and showing off her green thumb by tending to her garden. She was the past president of the Rothenberg Preparatory Academy’s Rooftop Garden board.